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Alumni Disability Income

Help preserve your family's lifestyle if you suddenly cannot work due to a covered disability.
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All Products > Alumni Disability Income
Alumni Disability Income
Help preserve your family's lifestyle if you suddenly cannot work due to a covered disability.

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Alumni Disability Income Insurance (AlumniDI) can help protect your most valuable asset — your ability to earn an income. Just over 1 in 4 of today's 20-year-olds will become disabled before they retire.* Are you prepared if something happened to you? AlumniDI can provide a monthly income should you become disabled under the terms of the policy and unable to work at your own occupation.1

Plan at a Glance:
  • Alumni2 up to and including the age of 59 at the time of application who work full-time (at least 30 hours per week) may apply for up to $10,000 per month, in $100 increments.3
    Please Note: Disability benefits may not exceed 50% of average monthly earnings, less any employer plans you have in force. Average monthly earnings include salary or wages, and commissions.
  • Pays benefits if you're disabled under the terms of the policy due to sickness or accidental injury and are unable to perform each of the material duties of your own occupation1 while receiving appropriate care and treatment from a licensed physician.
  • Choose from 60-day, 90-day, or 180-day Elimination Periods (EP).
  • Monthly benefits are payable for the lesser of 5 years or the reducing benefit duration (for accidental injury or sickness).
  • Valuable built-in features:
    • Survivor Benefit – Pays 3 times the last monthly benefit paid in the event of the disabled member's death.
    • Waiver of Premium – Disability insurance premiums waived while benefits are being paid.
    • Family Care Incentive – Provides reimbursement for eligible family care expenses (e.g., child care, elder care) if you work or participate in an approved rehabilitation program while disabled.
    • Rehabilitation Program Incentive – Increases benefit payments when you participate in an approved rehabilitation program while disabled.
    • Work Incentive – Up to 100% of your pre-disability earnings may be received if you work while disabled.
      For additional details about Work Incentive, follow the link to the FAQs.
    • Moving Expense Incentive – Reimbursement for expenses associated with moving to a new residence if recommended as part of an approved rehabilitation program.
Rates at a Glance:
AlumniDI Insurance Monthly Premiums
AgeCoverage Amount
 $2,500 Monthly Benefit Amount$5,000 Monthly Benefit Amount
 60 day90 day180 day60 day90 day180 day
Rates shown are for monthly mode. Other payment modes are available, please contact The Alumni Insurance Program at 1-800-922-1245 for a full list of ages, rates and coverage amounts. Rates increase at these and subsequent five-year intervals until age 70 when coverage ends. Rates are subject to change.

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